

  • Visit your nearest Tawakal Express Australia Pty Ltd money transfer agent
  • For new clients, complete a registration form at the agent location
  • Provide identification documents (required for regulatory compliance reasons)
  • Pay for the amount you wish to send and give beneficiary details
  • Obtain a receipt with full transaction details including payout amount, exchange rate, commission fee and beneficiary location and contact details

Collection Informations (KYC)

  • Individual : Name, Date of birth, Residential address (no PO Box address permitted) and Occupation.
  • Sole Trader : Full trading name (if one is applicable), Name, Date of birth, Residential address (no PO Box address permitted) and Occupation.
  • Company : Full registered Name, ABN or other unique registration/identification number and Registered or principal address.
  • Business : Full registered Name, ABN or other unique registration/identification number and Registered or principal address.
  • Beneficial Owner : Name, Date of birth and Residential address.